Saturday, April 05, 2014

Ebola: fascinating and terrifying...

Ebola. Ebola. Ebola.
For the past 2 weeks Ebola tends to come up in most conversations. At the hospital, in the office, at home, in transport, at international church, etc. Years ago (1995) after seeing the movie 'Outbreak' I remember being fascinated by Ebola. Now I think it is fascinating when reading about it in Central Africa, but when it could potentially cross my border, it's terrifying.

In some ways it really is a fascinating disease - what a powerful virus! There is so much we do not know about it. However, the fact remains that this particular strain (Zaire) has a case fatality rate of up to 90% and that makes it terrifying.

Thankfully to date there are no confirmed cases in Sierra Leone but the numbers in Guinea and Liberia continue to increase. We need to do what we can in Sierra Leone to prepare for what may come our way. 

Preparation is key in managing a potential outbreak. We need the healthcare providers to feel safe and confident. We don't want anyone abandoning their posts and we want excellent safety measures to be put in place. I am hoping that experienced NGOs and partners will ensure that this is the case for all health facilities. I feel very much out of my depth in even being a part of this, but all of us need to play a role. I will do what I can and pull in the experts where I can!

(map from April 3, 2014)

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~ Act Justly. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly. micah 6:8 ~